Click the links below for our SynthEquityTM investment thesis, retail-approved presentation material, client disclosures, Form ADV, and account opening documents.
Free White Paper: The Power of SynthEquityTM
MRP SynthEquityTM Strategy Deck
Investor Suitability & Portfolio Selection Document
Client Relationship Summary + ADV Part 1 & 2
Measured Risk Portfolios Dropbox

Our core offering is Measured Risk Portfolio (MRP) SynthEquityTM. This strategy was started with the goal of being able to define the risk in a portfolio, prior to any market decline. Using a proprietary blend of short duration fixed income paired with purchased options on the broader stock market, we attempt to participate in market movement while maintaining a defined drawdown risk.
MRP Growth Factsheet
MRP Core Factsheet
MRP Lite Factsheet

Our income offering, Consumer Linked Income Portfolio (CLIP) is built around a basket of stocks that have a history of rising dividends. Although rising dividends are not guaranteed, we have a high degree of confidence that the distributable income from these companies will grow over time.
CLIP Factsheet
Our Methodology
Find Out:
How to potentially protect your portfolio using techniques that are common, but not commonplace. What those techniques are, and by example, how to manage the risk. Why we think losses are more powerful than gains, and, with proper hedging, how they may be mitigated. Why we believe that you can’t predict the movement in the market, but you can plan so that no matter what happens, you are prepared.
What if?
What if basic human needs could be harnessed to enhance your income? Find Out: How the daily activities of human behavior could be harnessed to generate income. What those activities are and what sort of profit potential they could represent. Why those activities are typically resistant to economic disruptions or recessions. Who is more comfortable in retirement: The person with the most money, or the most money to spend?
Find Out:
- Why the most obvious time to invest is the hardest.
- How to get paid for taking risk.
- When the market says “sell,” it may be the best time to buy.
- What signal we use to guide our strategy.
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